We've had long, long nights at our house.
Or...short nights if you think about how much sleep we are NOT getting.
Poor Cole.
We can't figure it out.
Monday after tube surgery...no sleep.
Up every hour.
ALL week long.
He was back on antibiotics again as of last week b/c Dr. Harris felt that the infection was probably not gone from when he got tubes.
So you would think things should get better, right?
Still up...all night long.
Aaron's taking him in to the doctor again right now.
This was the suggestion of the on-call doctor that I was talking to last night at 12:30am...well, not talking to, crying to!
Seriously...something is NOT right.
I know it in my heart.
My baby is hurting, but we can't figure out why.
I'm hoping, praying and waiting for some answers.
I'm stuck at school waiting while Aaron is with Cole.
My mind is not with me today.
***UPDATE: He's fine! Really??? I guess my heart was wrong. His ears are cleared. Doctor thinks he's picked up on bad habits with all of his bad sleeping patterns this past month. So...his suggestion: LET HIM CRY. (He says even if it's for 2 hours.) Oh man...it could be some even longer nights in our house these next days.
3 weeks ago
praying for you! How sad to see your little boy hurting. HUGS
Oh Shannon, we are praying.
Here's a verse for you today...
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
—2 Corinthians 12:9-10
I pray that you can find strength in Him as you feel so weak and tired with everything else.
I am SO glad he is fine!! What a weight of your shoulders! I will keep praying that you and Cole both get some more sleep though. Hopefully he will get back to his normal sleeping pattern soon!
Hang in there, Shannon. Listening to him cry will be hard. But you can do it. Hoping to hear good sleep reports soon!
I am glad the Dr. appt went well. My only thoughts are to "listen to your instincts." If things don't calm down in a few days, you may want to do some more checking....
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