One of the BEST things about being a teacher is getting to have my summers off, along with other breaks through out the year. Aaron's work schedule is pretty nice too in that he works for 24 hours and then gets 48 hours off. I will often make a joke about how nice it must be to have 2 days off, with his response must be nice to have the summer off! Ok... you're right! It is great to have my summers off! I will often feel guilty for working and not staying at home with Eli...and this new little baby coming in August! However, I recently told someone else who was struggling with this same thing....if ALL Christian women stayed home and didn't teach (or work) what kind of people would your children be coming into contact with? I find comfort in the fact that I am a Christian woman that is doing my job for Jesus. I am impacting 21 Kindergarteners lives every day for 170ish odd days! Don't get me wrong...there are definetly days that I would LOVE to be at home with my son and play with him all day. Financially, we are not in that place, so I will work for Jesus.
On to what I had started to write about! I am not a person or a mom that likes to just hang out all day at our house and have nothing to do! These past few years, since I've had a child, I've had to make this big adjustment to staying at home. It always takes me a week or so to get used to it. Knowing that it's an adjustment for me, I have been praying for God's guidance. What can I do to make this adjustment smooth, for both Eli and me? This past week, I got my answer!
Make lists! So, I sat down and wrote out each day, M-F. Each day I have at least 1 household duty that I will do. This will help me with having to do it all on one day, which happens a lot during the school year. Then, I scheulded different things during the week. Monday's: playgroup with other teacher's kids, T or W (it depends on the week) Eli will still go to Grandma's house (aka- daycare) I can start to get my sub plans ready for August and the babies room ready! TH: library/park with young married's group! Obviously I don't have something planned for every day! I just needed something going on during the week to keep me busy. I think this will work! On top of those lists....I made a list of meals for lunch and supper. I'm not as organized as my friend Amanda, but it will work for now!
So....I'm sure you didn't really care to read all of this, but I was happy with what I came up with! The next thing that I am praying for during this summer is patience! Remember....I have a 2 year old whose favorite words are; "NO", "My do it," "Me first," "My turn." I think you get the idea!!!!
5 days ago
That's so funny! I too struggle with being at home during the day--so my solution this summer was to write a list for each day, too. Let's hope it works!!!
I know what you mean about having to make plans to do things! We have to keep going or the kids get bored, which makes for a frustrating day. I already have a list of free programs at the library to go to and we are hopefully going to set up our little pool soon. Let me know if you want to set up a play date. I'd love to see you!
I think more moms than NOT have a hard time just being at's HARD!!! You just have to find what works for you and have a good routine, you'll be surprised at just having a few things planned each week will make the week do much smoother.
That's funny that you and Kendall have both made lists!! I was just thinking the other day that I wanted to add another section to my notebook and have it be household chores and a schedule in which I would do I would know that I will always sweep floors on Mondays, etc. Great minds think alike!
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