Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rockin' Out

Last Wednesday we meet with our small group for game night! We have so much fun with them and look forward to our Wednesday's together! This time it was at our house. As I mentioned in a previous post, Aaron had bought Rock Band for Xbox. So, we got it all out and rocked it out! I believe there was some mention of contacting Adam about helping with worship service!! If you want to listen to it, my friend Kendall has a video posted on her blog. They're listed on the side of my blog as "Meet the Smith's"

Justin and Dave on guitar. Joel playing drums

Olivia and Amanda on guitar. Dave on drums and Sarah on vocals!

For most of the evening, us woman sat around and talked and played with babies! The last few years, someone in our group has always been pregnant. I am the last one that's due in August. That means that someone will need to be pregnant by then! I'm thinking....Dave and Amanda!!! Just kidding guys!

Kendall and Lily

Alisha and Alivia

Sarah and Alexis

Nice picture Sarah!!

That's our group! We love them!